Do I need a company secretary after 1st year?
Yes. The Companies Ordinance requires every Hong Kong companies to have a company secretary.
What is the company secretary renewal fee after 1st year?
Our company secretary service fee is HK$1,400/ year.
Do I need the virtual office address after 1st year?
Yes. Every Hong Kong companies needs to have a registered address in Hong Kong.
What is the registered address renewal fee after 1st year?
Our registered address service is HK$1,400/year.
Is there a government annual fee?
Yes, you need to renew your business license every year.
What is the annual business license fee?
The business license fee is currently HK$2150 per year. Please note that the Government business license fee may vary each year. If the Government provides subsidy, the government fee can sometimes be as cheap as HK$150.
How do I renew my business license?
You can arrange renewal by postage or in person.
Can GSHK renew the business license on my behalf?
Yes, we can renew the business license of your behalf. We charge a handling fee of HK$500.
Are there any obligations with the Companies Registry?
Yes, you need to file a form NAR1 per year. For customers who opt for our incorporation package, GSHK will prepare this document for free.
Is there a government fee for form NAR1?
Yes, the NAR1 Annual Return form government fee is HK$105.